Earth in your hands?

Earth in your hands?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reading Rocks . . . Physical Geography and Human Geography Stories Assignment! Due by 10/15/13.

1) Find a physical geography story or human geography story that interests you in one of the links on the left side of this blog below Hudson (Bay) Hound (there are about 50 different stories to choose from).  The stories to choose from are under the following headings:
  • National Geographic News (National Geographic News)
  • Emaginate Geographical Gazette (Or Try One of These Stories!)
  • Geography News from (More Geography in the News!)
2) Post a comment to this post with the following:
  1. Your first name, last initial, and class period
  2. The title of the story
  3. The author's name
  4. The date of publication
  5. The source of the story
  6. Explain whether the story is mostly for information, mostly for persuasion, or mostly for entertainment..."explain" means to give evidence for your choice
  7. Summarize the story in EXACTLY 7 words
Here is a sample to help you . . . just follow the same steps I did for your post!
Mr. H 1st Period
Title -- Geography Students are Smarter than the Average Student
Author -- Harm von Humboldt
Date of Publication -- 10/1/13
Source -- Journal of Geography Good Times
Type -- Persuasion. The author wrote that more students should take World Geography because their IQs would go up if they did. The author is encouraging the reader to take the class.
7 Word Summary -- Geography makes kids brilliant around the world.

This 5 point assignment is due by 11:59pm on 10/15/13.
Good luck!

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