Earth in your hands?

Earth in your hands?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cartograms...Your Homework Due by 9/26/14...can it get any stranger than this?

1) Pick an interesting cartogram from this site (World Mapper) or this site (Show World) . . . look at it!
2) Comment to this post with the following:
A. put your first name, last initial, class period
B. give the full title and topic of your cartogram
C. explain what makes this cartogram interesting to you
D. describe which country (or state) grew the largest 
E. speculate (means give your educated guess) why you think that country (or state) has the most of that topic
3) Due by 9/26/14 at 11:59 pm (5 points)
4) Your cartogram choice must be unique . . . make sure no one else has chosen the same one!
5) Make sure you go through the word verification should be able to see your comment immediately!

Good Luck!


Anonymous said...

Zach W./2

Youth Literacy(how many kids can read)-I find this interesting because its weird to see how many kids in the world can't would be hard to get through life without reading.Asia grew the largest in size because they have the most kids in the world that know how to read. This is because they have good education.

Anonymous said...

Oscar L. 2
Dentists Working & denists
This interest me because i would like to see which one has more denist and dental care.
The untied states have the most denist out of all the countries.
The United states has more denists because they care more about their teeths.

Anonymous said...

Colin S./4

Hospital Beds (how many hospital beds) I find it intresting cause the more is a higher capacity hospitals. China has the most probably cause the high poopulation and bad living conditions more people are hospitlized

Anonymous said...

Terry Tonnesen Period 3

Business, technology, internet users

i think that it's interesting that china is first because we always use technology, even when we don't need it. But then again, it is more obvious that china uses it more since they have more people and they are more advanced in technology

Anonymous said...

Wes Cain 3
Affordable drugs
This interests me Because i think if Everyone who needs medicine needs to pay alot for it then less people will buy it.
Russia has the most affordable drugs
Russia has cheapest rugs because they dont need to pay other countries for most of them

Kyra H. said...

Kyra Heyden Period 4
-Sulphur Dioxide emissions.
-I found this interesting because the emissions affect the whole world and it is very important to get the pollution down. If we do not succeed then the earth could become uninhabitable.
-China has the most emissions out of all the countries.
-This makes sense because China has the most factories and manufacturing plants which produce more of the sulphur dioxide.

Anonymous said...

Emily S. 2

Children not in school. This cartogram is interesting to me because I find it weird how very few children don't go to school in the U.S and how many don't go in Africa. Africa grew the most. I think Africa grew the most because I think that they are a very poor and uneducated country. When I think of Africa I think of children not going to school.

Madeline Perry said...

Madeline P. 3
Mammals at Risk
This interested me because it said 1,101 species are at risk of extinction!
Latin America had the most extinction.
I think L.A has more due to the predators and animals that have on one another and the biggest rainforest in located there and the mammals could also become extinct due to cutting down trees for our good and how we are destroying their homes.

Anonymous said...

Nicole K. 2
Cancer Deaths (Which country has the most Cancer fatalities)
-I find this
cartogram to be very interesting because it shows which countries have the most deaths because of Cancer. The thing I found most interesting was that China was the country that grew the largest. It could be from all the factories that China has that is polluting the air. Causing the people in China to get Cancer and die because of it. That is my speculation on why China has the largest amount of Cancer deaths.

Anonymous said...

Joe K. 3
World>Business>Global Brands>McDonalds
Because I eat there sometimes
Because thats where McDonalds was made

Anonymous said...

Katie S. 2
Female Life Expectancy
I find this interesting because its weird to see the different places where women have a higher life expectancy. In the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan were the places that grew the largest because it had the highest difference between male and female life expectancies. It was 12 years. This might be because there is way less obesity there then in the U.S.A

Anonymous said...

Hailey H. 3
Killed by Disaster (people killed in disasters)
- I found this map intresting because I know there are disasters all over the world but I wanted to know where they are most deadly
- Africa grew the largest
- I assume this is because they are exposed to many different kinds of natural disasters and they dont have the resources to be well prepared

Anonymous said...

Tabor G 3

Girls not in Secondary School

This topic is interesting to me because as a girl living in a first world country I have the privilege of being educated, but young girls in many third world countries are forbidden from attending anything past primary school, or elementary school. They aren't allowed to for many reasons, but mostly because girls are note expected to make anything of themselves, which is hard to do without an education.

The country that grew the largest was India.

I think the reason that India has the most girls that don't attend school is because it is a poor country with old ideas about girls not needing to learn anything because they will just be stuck in their homes either way. An uneducated girl is a girl that is easy to control by a man.

Anonymous said...

Jessica S.
World Geo. 2
"Killed By Storms"
~This cartogram interests me because I always hear about devistating natural disasters, but I have never seen how it affects the rest of the world.
~Asia grew in size because its storms have growen stronger by the pollution caused by "booming" economies in the Far East of Asia.

Anonymous said...

David W. 2
Vehicle Exports
This is interesting to me because I like cars.
Europe and Asia grew the most.
Because they create lots of cars.

Anonymous said...

claudia I.
world fruit production
Es interesante porque podemos ver que continente produce mas fruta.South america es el continente que producio mas fruta que los demas continentes.

Anonymous said...

Jack S. 3
Cartogram Title: Films Watched

Cartogram Topic: Where people watch the most films at commercial screenings

This cartogram is interesting to me because I like movies, and it would not hurt to learn about how many people see how many movies during a certain time period.

The country with the most viewings is India, recorded with almost 3 billion viewings in one year.

I think that India has the most viewings because I read something under the cartogram that said India currently has around 12,000 movie theaters; the statement was from 2005.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer W 2
Teen mothers
When i saw this as a topic, i thought america would be huge but it was indina
India and South Asia grew the largest
I think theywere the biggest because of arranged marriages and a history of young women being married.

Anonymous said...

Ben B 2
Amphibians At Risk
This interests me because I'm curious as to what amphibians are becoming extinct.
South America is the largest threatened country for amphibians at risk.
This is probably happening because of environmental pollution.

Anonymous said...

john k. 2
world mcdonalds. its sad how much mcdonalds is in america compared to the rest of the world.USA grew the largest. they have the most mcds because they are the fattest country.

Anonymous said...

Andrew S. 3
Nuclear Energy (Who produces the most)
I find this interesting because I like to see what country is using the clean and renewable energy source. The United States was the highest because we are efficient with our energy and we use the most energy in the world and we are a much more wealthy country to afford it.

Anonymous said...

Maddie H. 2
Killed by Storms
this cartogram interested me because i think tornados and cyclones are very interesting and i want to learn more about them
he continent that grew the largest was southern Asia. this may be because they have more storms and tornado's than the other countries of the world

Anonymous said...

Electricity increase...this is interesting because its almost exactly what i was expecting...countries such as the US, China, Russia, etc. had very high recent increaes while most of Africa for example had next to no electricity and still have very little anyways...this makes sense because the US & China have much technology and most people have enough $$ to afford electricity while African countries have not so much (not enough $$ to afford electrical power)

Anonymous said...

Leigh R.3

Self-inflicted deaths

I find this interesting because I hear a lot about people killing themselves either on the internet or the news. Whenever I hear about it, it always saddens me because there is usually always a reason why they do it. Whether its from bullying, problems at home, or many more. The country that grew the largest was China. This country has the most suicides because they have the biggest population in the world, which could come with many mental and abused people that would want to do something like this.

Unknown said...

Alma B./2
Forest Depletion.
I find this interesting because trees are extremely important to the planet, and if we didn't have them, we wouldn't be here. China and Japan have the least amount of forests because they transport illegal wood to different countries, killing trees in those places, and leaving them with not a lot of forests.

Anonymous said...

A.Marcus N P.2
B.Winter Olympics 2010 (number of medals won)
C.This cartogram is interesting because I like sports a lot, and I think it's cool how some of the smaller countries won a lot of medals.
D.The U.S. grew the largest because they won the most medals.
E.I think that America was the largest because we have some of the best athletes.

Anonymous said...

Emilie L. w/3

Dairy Exports: this topic is about the exportation of dairy all around the world. What interests me about this topic is that the majority of dairy goods being exported around the world is actually mostly in the continent of EurAisa. Why I think this continent has the most exportation is because of the high exchange rates and the how the USA has part of this.

Anonymous said...

Sean C. 2
Teenage Mothers.
It shows where in the world there are teen mothers. Asia grew the most on the map. It grew the most because people in Asia like to have children at a young age.

Anonymous said...

9Victoria B 3rd
Internet Users 1990

The map intrest me because i use the internet a lot.
The USA grew the largest
Well you see the USA, in the 1990 was when people actually started using google and the internet to learn things and advance in technology.

Anonymous said...

Tyler S./2
Road Deaths (How many people were killed on the road)
-This interests me because I think people don't taking driving as seriously as they should.
-Eastern and Southern Asia
_ I think these region has the highest number of deaths because the cars three are not as high of quality as in other places. Also they may not have safety laws like we do (i.e. seat belts).

Anonymous said...

kelsea claveria per.3
Alcohol and Cigarette Imports
I find this topic interesting because its weird how Americans and Japanese people smoke and drink more in the world. The United states grew the biggest because we have more money to import goods.

Anonymous said...

Alyssa P. 2
Life Expectancy
It interests me because I want to know what makes people live the longest. The country that grew the largest compared to its actual size was Japan. I think it grew the largest because they have lots of technology there that they can use to live longer.

Anonymous said...

Ryan J 3
Plants at Risk
I thought this map was interesting because there aren't a lot of different species of plants in the United States and in other places there was a lot of different plants that are in danger.
I think the continents like South America that has many different animals and plants so it is harder to survive.

Anonymous said...

Travis W./2

Youth Literacy. I find this interesting because i didnt realize how many kids in the world cant read.Asia grew the most because they have the most people that can read. i Think that because they have good education

Anonymous said...

Jack A. 3

Hydroelectric power
this interests me because it shows which countries use water as power. south America seems to be the largest because they have the most damns. south America has the most damns because water is a renewable resource.

Anonymous said...

Bob S. 3
Life expectancy
It intrests me because I want to know what the expected due date is for me so i can surpass it.

Anonymous said...

James W Period 3
Vehicles Exports
I thought it was cool because Japan had the most cars exported and the highest net exporting too,the major exporters are Japan, Germany, France and the Republic of Korea.
Asia grew the largest, i think because it the largest continent

Anonymous said...

James Wilson Period 3
Vehicles Exports
The major exporters are Japan, Germany, France and the Republic of Korea. Japan exports the most vehicles
Asia grew the largest. I think it did because its the largest continent.