Earth in your hands?

Earth in your hands?

Monday, September 16, 2013

GPS...Why It's Still Important to Know How to Read a Map Yourself!

People nowadays rely a lot on their digital technologies to get around, but sometimes it's more helpful to be able to read a map on your own and get around the old fashioned way...enjoy these clips of people too dependent on their digital technology.

GPS gone wrong from "The Office"...

Allstate Mayhem causing havoc...
...and one from the Brits...since it's British humor, it's only funny to some people!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Which Geography Theme Best Represents You?

Which one of the Five Themes of Geography best represents you . . . explain your theme choice with a story from your life . . . keep it clean! 
1) Comment to this blog post.
2) Use your first name, last initial, and class the word verification!
3) This is a 5 point assignment, due by 11:59 pm on 9/12/13.
Good Luck!

Mr. H, 1st Hour
The theme that best represents me is Regions, because I have lived in all 4 major regions of the USA shown in the textbook (the West--CA and CO, the Midwest--IL, the Northeast--NJ, and the South--MD).  I love the Southwest Region of the USA and hope to live there some day...I visit the state of New Mexico often!